
9 Months Have Passed Already!

 As soon as we hit the 9 month mark, all I could think to myself was oh my goodness, I almost have a 1 year old!  This month was extra special since she decided to start saying "mamamamama".  She usually only busts it out when she is whining for something, but I'll take it!
It wasn't long after realizing that she could crawl, that she began pulling herself up onto furniture, mommy's pants while cooking, and the stairs!  She could spend an hour going up the stairs again and again and again...
As she reaches the top of the steps she starts pursing her lips to do her "exercise" breathing.  So cute!
London is up to three meals a day now.  The girl is obsessed with eating.  She will pump her little legs in her high chair in delight as we feed her and make "hmmmm" noises after ever bite. She is still in the 90% for height, but luckily she is back to average for weight. 


  1. Chad Wyzga16.2.12

    That second to last picture is adorable! I only saw the top half at first and thought she was standing. It's amazing to watch London grow and she's only a year old!

  2. Anonymous24.2.12

    I'm in love with her. She makes me happy :)-Lisa
