
Baby Week #10

 Check out baby's new skills!  She is now picking up any item close to her little grabby hands so that she can attempt to get it into her mouth.  
 Mostly this just means grabbing her own bib and nearly strangling and smothering herself as she tries to eat it.
 We caught her laughing on camera!  Our favorite times are spent hovering over her as she prattles on and on with smiles and laughs in between.
London is quite the chunker.  At her two month check-up she weighed in at 14 pounds placing her in the 98th percentile for weight!


  1. She's just beautiful. :) What a sweet girl God's blessed you with! Jonathan and I are so happy for you both.

  2. Papa3.7.11

    Nice effect doing the black and whites. i am already feeling for baby #2. No way they will get this type of coverage! But loving it now!!
