
Christmas Tree Day

Christmas season couldn't come soon enough, so we headed out to Pine Valley Farm with the Wyzgas the day after Thanksgiving.
 London loved exploring all the trees in her new all terrain stroller! 

Jesse commented that this year we had to make "adult Christmas cookies" instead of our usual frosted sugar cookies.  So he picked out an intense double chocolate cookie with white chocolate chips recipe and I chose to make coconut snowballs for the after party.

 We tried to get her to put the ornaments on the tree.  Mostly, they just ended up in her mouth.

Of course, we were committed to our tree, even though this little grinch tried to take our ornaments down 24/7
Her favorite catch was the little fireman jinglebell to the right.

1 comment:

  1. Chad Wyzga4.1.12

    Those cookies were intensely tasty. I really like the black and white picture with the Christmas light
